Hmmm not really…I have seen so many consultants struggle at the fundamental levels of understanding for an industry…have worked for the Big-4 and seen it from very close quarters when the handwaving is enough for carpe diem!
Hmmm not really…I have seen so many consultants struggle at the fundamental levels of understanding for an industry…have worked for the Big-4 and seen it from very close quarters when the handwaving is enough for carpe diem!
Hmmm not really…I have seen so many consultants struggle at the fundamental levels of understanding for an industry…have worked for the Big-4 and seen it from very close quarters when the handwaving is enough for carpe diem!
Off the cuff: the induction work to extrapolate a trend for such an extra-large industry from your anecdotal experience is an inappropriate leap imo.
I can see why you are saying that/defending your position 😁